Welfare Scheme for Departmental Employees (DE)
1. Financial Assistance in case of:-
a. death of Postal Employees-10,000/-
b. death of Postal Employees due to terrorist activity/dacoits. while on duty-75,000/-
c. death of Postal Employees while on duty due to accidents 15,000/-
d. Postal Employees by terrorist, robbers’ activity etc while not on duty-15000/-
2. Financial assistance in cases of natural calamities, fire and floods-Rs-4,500/-
3. Financial assistance in cases of prolonged and serious illness/major surgeries for Departmental Employees-10,000/-(HOC)
for additional FA cases referred to (DG)
4. Financial assistance for regular employees suffering from TB also for their family members.
a. IPD 400/-p.m. (6 month)
b. OPD 200/-p.m. (6 month) not on EOL or HPL 200/-p.m. (6 month)
c. Dependent family members prolonged illness. HOC discretionary powers up to Rs. 10,000/-
5. Grant of Financial assistance for Extra ordinary leave & Half Pay Leave due to prolonged (min.2 months) illness. (BP upto
a. EOL (30+) -1500 p.m. (36 months)
b. HPL(30+) -750 p.m. (36months)
6. Financial assistance for purchase of Mechanical / Motorized Tricycle for Orthopedically handicapped Departmental
a. Motorized Tricycle-15,000/-or 50% whichever is less
b. Artificial limb/Wheel chair / Orthopedic Tricycle, subject to a limit of Rs-2000/-
c. Actual IInd Class Railway Fare from the place of duty to the Artificial Limb Centre and back.
7. Financial Assistance for Excursion Trips (4-5 days/700km): -60% cost of railway fare. (BP upto 65,200/-)
8. Financial Assistance to the Central Postal Ladies Organization and its subordinate organizations in the Circles -Rs-25,000/-
9. Financial assistance to Crèches-
a. Non –recurring grant Rs. 60,000/-for starting a crèche
b. Non –recurring exp of Rs. 20,000/-at the end of every 3 years.
c. Recurring grant Rs. 1,500/-per month per child to the maximum of Rs. 38000/-
10. Financial assistance to Tailoring Classes. -5000/-tailoring teachers-750/-p.m.
11. Financial assistance to Recreation Clubs-25+25=50/-per head per annum.
a. A maximum grant of Rs.25000/-may be sanctioned for setting up of a recreation club.
12. Financial Assistance to Residents Welfare Association: -30/-per residential quarter per annum.
13. Rent for Holiday Home
a. Basic Pay upto 35,400/-Rs -40/-per Day
b. Basic Pay exceeding Rs 35,400/-Rs -100/-per Day.
a. Incentive for excellence in academic achievement for Xth and XIIth (Science/ Commerce/Humanities) Class. (90%)
1st Position in the Circle-Rs. 6000/-
2nd Position in the Circle -Rs. 4800/-
3rd Position in the Circle -Rs. 4200/-
4th Position in the Circle -Rs. 3600/-
5th Position in the Circle -Rs. 3000/-
The first five students in each group will be awarded.
b. Scholarships for Technical and non Technical. (BP upto 65,200/-)
(i) IIT, IIM, AIIMS) Rs. 1000/-p.m.
(ii) Medical/Tech.Edu/PG Degree Rs. 800/-p.m./ Diploma Rs.300/-p.m.
(iii) Non Tech Degree Girl student undergoing Graduation in any field with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks in class 12th @Rs.
(iv) ITI certificate course–Rs.1400/-p.a.
c. Scholarship for UPSC Examinations-Rs2000/-only once to each child. (60%)
d. Scholarship for development of individual personality (BP upto 44,900/-
(i) Personnel and Labour Management, Public Relations, Sociology, Social Work, Sports (NIS), Welfare Accounting, Computer
Programming, Industrial Relations and Banking-@ 75% or Max.-Rs-2000/-
e. Grant of Scholarship and transport charges to handicapped (40%) children (Max.2) of Postal Employees. (BP upto 77,900/-)
(i) Scholarship @ Rs-500/-(Max. 8 years)
(ii) Transports Charge @300 p.m. for ‘A’ Class Cities @250/-p.m. for other cities (1st to 12th)
(iii) Hostel/ Mess subsidy @300 ‘A’ Class Cities @250/-other cities.
f. Scholarship for SC/ST employees for departmental examination and higher education.
a) Examination for promotion to the cadre of IPOs/IRMs/JAO/AAO) Examinations and similar cadres = Rs. 1800/-
b) Examination for promotion to the cadre of Junior Accountants in the Postal Accounts, UDCs and other similar cadres= Rs. 1200/-
c) Examination for promotion to posts of Postal Assistants, Sorting Assistants, Sorters and other similar cadres= Rs. 900/-
d) Higher study 10thto 12thClass= Rs. 1200/-
e) Degree/ Diploma or P.G. Degree Rs.3000/-
15. Holiday Homes-Subscription/ Rent of Holiday Homes
a) Basic pay upto Rs. 35400/-= Rs.40/-per day.
b) Basic pay equal to exceeding Rs.35400/-= Rs.100/-per day