Postal Life Insurance(PLI) Endowment (Santosh) Policy Maturity Chart of Sum Assured Rs.10 Lakh

हैलो दोस्तों , आज हम इस लेख के माध्यम से डाक जीवन बीमा की बहतरीन स्कीम Endowment Policy ( सन्तोष पालिसी ) की अलग अलग आयु व अवधियों पर क्रमशः प्रीमियम व परिपक्वता धनराशि को बेहतर रूप से समझने के लिए चार्ट का अवलोकन करेंगे | उससे पहले आपको बताना चाहूँगा कि डाक जीवन बीमा…

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Clarification / guidelines regarding deduction of TDS on payment of PLI/RPLI policies, as applicable, under section 194DA of IT Act 1961 – Dated 22.09.2023

No. 65-02/2023-LI Govt. of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts Directorate of Postal Life Insurance Chanakyapuri PO Complex, New Delhi-110 021. Dated 22.09.2023 To All Heads of Circle Subject: Clarification / guidelines regarding deduction of TDS on payment of PLI/RPLI policies, as applicable, under section 194DA of IT Act 1961.reg. Kindly refer to this…

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Settlement of Postal Life Insurance Claim in case of Suicide

Suicide Cases: In the event of an insured person committing suicide any time after the date of acceptance of the policy (whether sane or insane at that time) and after having paid his first premium in full but not after expiry of two years from such date of acceptance or payment of first premium whichever…

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Settlement of Postal Life Insurance death claim cases of murder of the insured committed by the nominee(s) or any legal representative(s)

Settlement of death claim cases of murder of the insured committed by the nominee(s) or any legal representative(s) If the policy holder is murdered by any of the legal representative/ nominee(s), the policy money shall not be paid to the murderer even if he/she is acquitted by the competent court of law by giving him/…

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What is Postal Life Insurance Children Policy (Bal Jeevan Bima) ? What is salient features of this scheme ?

      Children Policy (Bal Jeevan Bima)  The salient features of this scheme are as under: The scheme provides life insurance cover to children of policy holders Maximum two children of policy holder (parent) are eligible Children between 5- 20 years of age are eligible Maximum sum assured ₹ 3 lac or equal to…

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