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What are the different types of Aadhar Cards and what are their features?

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has introduced various forms of Aadhaar from time to time for the convenience of residents:

  • Aadhaar Letter: Paper-based laminated letter with secure QR Code with Issue Date and Print Date. Aadhaar letter is sent to resident free of cost by ordinary post in case of new enrolment or mandatory biometric update.
  • eAadhaar: eAadhaar is the electronic form of Aadhaar, digitally signed by UIDAI, having QR code for offline verification with Issue Date and Download Date. Resident can easily download eAadhaar/masked eAadhaar from UIDAI’s official website using registered mobile number. The masked eAadhaar displays only last 4 digits of Aadhaar number. eAadhaar is generated automatically with every Aadhaar enrolment or update and it can be downloaded free of cost.
  • mAadhaar: mAadhaar is digital form of Aadhaar which can be installed on mobile device. mAadhaar app is available on Google play store/iOS for downloading on resident’s mobile device. It has QR code for offline verification. Like eAadhaar, mAadhaar is also generated automatically with every Aadhaar enrolment or update and it can be download free of cost.
  • Aadhaar PVC Card: Aadhaar PVC Card is the latest form of Aadhaar introduced by UIDAI. Other than being easy to carry and durable, the PVC-based Aadhaar Card has a digitally signed secure QR code with photograph and demographic details with multiple security features. It can be ordered online through uidai.gov.in or resident.uidai.gov.in by using Aadhaar number, Virtual ID or Enrolment ID and paying a nominal charge of Rs. 50/-. Aadhaar PVC Card is delivered to the resident’s address by speed post.
See also  What are the Uses and Benefits of an Aadhar Card in India | भारत में आधार कार्ड के उपयोग और लाभ क्या हैं?

Can I choose to have and use any type of Aadhaar?

Yes. The residents can choose to have one or more forms of Aadhaar. The residents may also choose to use any form of Aadhaar as per their convenience. All forms of Aadhaar are equally valid as a proof of identity without giving any preference to one form of Aadhaar over the others

What is “Order Aadhaar PVC Card” service?

“Order Aadhaar PVC Card” is a new service launched by UIDAI which facilitates the Aadhaar holder to get their Aadhaar details printed on PVC card by paying nominal charges. Residents who do not have registered mobile number can also order using Non-Registered /Alternate Mobile Number.

See also  What are the Rate/Fees for Aadhar Updation/Correction at Post Offices | डाकघरों में आधार अपडेशन/सुधार के लिए दर/शुल्क क्या हैं?

What are the security features of “Aadhaar PVC Card”?

This card contains security features like:

  • Secure QR Code
  • Hologram
  • Micro text
  • Ghost image
  • Issue Date & Print Date
  • Guilloche Pattern
  • Embossed Aadhaar Logo

What are the charges to be paid for “Aadhaar PVC Card”?

Charges to be paid are Rs.50/- (Inclusive of GST & speed post charges).

How one can raise the request for “Aadhaar PVC Card”?

“Aadhaar PVC Card” request can be raised by visiting the UIDAI Official Website or Resident Portal (https://www.uidai.gov.in or https://myaadhaar.uidai.gov.in) using 12 digits Aadhaar Number (UID) or 28 digits Enrollment ID. Request can be raised using registered or non-registered mobile number.

  • Registered Mobile Number, where OTP/TOTP will be received on Registered Mobile number.
  • Non-Registered / Alternate Mobile Number, where OTP will be received on Non-Registered / Alternate Mobile number.
See also  What are the Uses and Benefits of an Aadhar Card in India | भारत में आधार कार्ड के उपयोग और लाभ क्या हैं?

How many days will it take to receive “Aadhaar PVC Card” after creating successful request?

After receiving order for Aadhaar PVC Card from the resident UIDAI handovers printed Aadhaar Card to DoP within 5 working days (excluding the date of request). Aadhaar PVC Card is delivered to the residents at their registerd address in adhaar database using SPEED POST Service of India Post in line with Department of Posts delivery norms. Resident may track delivery status using DoP Status Track Services on https://www.indiapost.gov.in/_layouts/15/dop.portal.tracking/trackconsignment.aspx

How Aadhaar PVC Card is different from Aadhaar Letter?

Aadhaar letter is laminated paper based document issued to the residents after enrolment and update. Aadhaar Card is a durable and easy to carry PVC card with security features. All forms of Aadhaar (eAadhaar, mAadhaar, Aadhaar letter, Aadhaar card) are equally valid. The resident has the choice to use any of these forms of Aadhaar issued by UIDAI.

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