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Details of Welfare scheme for Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS)

Financial Grant

1. Financial Assistance to families of deceased GDSs to meet immediate expenses following death, irrespective of whether death
occurs during duty/outside duty hours- Rs. 10,000/-

2. Death due to terrorist activity/dacoity, while on duty –Rs. 1,50,000/-

3. Financial Assistance in case of death of GDSs due to riots, attack by robbers & terrorists while not on duty –Rs. 12,000/

4. Financial Assistance in case of death of GDSs while being on duty due to accident –Rs. 25,000/-

5. Funeral Expenses on death of GDS (payable in cases in which last rites of deceased GDS are performed by brothers or sisters or
near relatives in the absence of any other next of kin)-Rs.5,000/-

6. Financial Assistance in case of major surgical operations in ailments, like Cancer, brain haemorrhage, kidney failure/transplant,
heart surgery etc. –Rs. 20,000/-

7. Financial Assistance in case of accident of GDS while being on duty, requiring hospitalization for more than three days.-Rs.5000/

8. Financial Assistance for nutritional diet to GDS suffering from TB (only once for a maximum period of six months, provided the GDS has put in at least six years of service & treatment is taken in government hospital).

  • Indoor Treatment –Rs. 400 p.m.
  • Outdoor Treatment –Rs. 200 p.m.

9. Grant of Scholarship under educational Schemes to the children of GDS (as per existing terms & conditions).IIT, AIIMS and
IIM – Rs.1000/ pm.

Technical Education
(i) DegreeRs.280/p.m.
(ii) DiplomaRs.190/ p.m.

Degree BA/BSc/B.Com/ Degree in fine Arts Rs.150/ p.m.
ITI Certificate Courses – Rs.940/p.a.

10. Incentive for excellence in academic achievement for 10th and 12th Class.
1st Position in the Circle/Region-Rs.1,000/-
2nd Position in the Circle/Region-Rs.8,00/-
3rd Position in the Circle/Region -Rs.7,00/-
4th Position in the Circle/Region -Rs.6,00/-
5th Position in the Circle/Region -Rs.5,00/-

11.Scholarship for physically handicapped children of GDS (for maximum 8 years & as per the existing terms & conditions) Rs.200

12.Financial Assistance in cases of natural calamities, like fire, floods etc. -Rs.5000/-

13.Financial Assistance in cases of GDS Employee suffering from COVID-19 Rs.20000/-(Maximum)

(i) For construction of one room with flush toilet facilities for housing the Branch Post Office. -Rs. 50,000/-
(ii) For purchase of Computer/Laptop to encourage computer literacy amongst GDS. -Rs.20,000/-
(iii) For purchase of moped/scooter/Motor cycle which will also facilitate travel while discharging duty like exchange of BO Bag, visit
to Account Office etc. -Rs.20,000.
(iv) The GDS will be eligible for loan on maximum two occasions in his entire career with a maximum ceiling of Rs. 50000/-subject
to condition that previous loan amount has been fully repaid and there is no outstanding loan against the GDS.

The scheme will be contributory in nature with a component of grant-in-aid from Central postal Welfare Fund
of the Department. Each GDS will contribute Rs.20/-per month. A GDS who has not claimed any kind of
assistance or grant from Circle Welfare Contributory Fund in his entire service will be paid a lump sum amount
at the time of retirement. The slabs for payment will be as under:-
(i) Less than 5 years no amount payable.
(ii) 5 years from the date of start of contribution –Rs.1000
(iii) 10 years from the date of start of contribution –Rs.2000
(iv) 15 years from the date of start of contribution –Rs.3000
(v) 20 years from the date of start of contribution –Rs.4500
(vi) 25 years from the date of start of contribution –Rs.5500
(vii) 30 years from the date of start of contribution –Rs.6500
(viii) 35 years from the date of start of contribution –Rs.8000
(ix) 40 years from the date of start of contribution –Rs.9000
(x) More than 45 years from the date of start of contribution –Rs.11000

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