Letter Writing Competition w.e.f. 01.08.2023 to 31.10.2023 by Department of Post

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The Department of Post is holding the National Level ‘Dhai Akhar’ Letter Writing Campaign for the financial year 2023-24 on the theme “Digital India for New India”. ‘Dhai Akhar’ is a National Level Letter Writing Competition on a theme/ subject decided by the Department of Posts.

Participants will write a Letter expressing their views on the subject addressing to the Director, Mumbai GPO, Mumbai 400001.

Eligible participants for Cash awards will be shortlisted first at Circle level and then Directorate level.

The campaign will be started from 01.08.2023 to 31.10.2023.

The theme of the ‘Dhai Akhar’ Letter Writing Campaign is ‘Digital India for New India’.

The letter can be written in English/Hindi/any vernacular Language and to be addressed to The Director, Mumbai GPO, Mumbai 400001.

The categories for National Level Dhai Akhar Letter Writing Campaign are

(i) Up to 18 years:

(a)  Inland Letter Card Category and

(b) Envelope Category and

for Above 18 years,

(a) Inland Letter Card Category and

(b) Envelope Category.

The letter can be written on plain A-4 size paper with a word limit of not more than 1000 words under envelope category, or in an Inland Letter Card (ILC) with a word limit of not more than 500 words for ILC category. Only handwritten letters will be accepted.

The embossed envelope / envelope with required stamp affixed and Inland Letter Card (ILC) will be the permitted stationery for participating in the campaign.

The final result at circle level will be declared by December 15,.2023.

The proposed prize money to be given to the winners of Circle Level  and National Level Letters in each category are:

The Circle Level Prizes are 

  • Rs.25,000/is the First Prize in each Category,
  • Rs.10,000/- for Second Prize in each Category,
  • Rs.5,000/-for Third Prize in each Category.

The National Level Prizes are

  • Rs.50,000/ for First Prize in each Category,
  • Rs.25,000/ for Second Prize in each Category and
  • Rs.10,000/ for Third Prize in each Category.

The participants need to submit a certificate of proof of their age.

The Envelope/Inland Letter may be superscribed as “DHAI AKHAR Letter”. For more details please log on to www.indiapost.gov.in.

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