Preservation Periods of Records of Savings Certificates Related at Post Offices

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1.12 Savings Certificates
  Application for purchase or transfer of certificates (NC 69 or NC 71) DG Posts Lr No.30-47/84-8B III dt.25/01/90 Six years after encashment of certificate on maturity/date of discharge of certificates
1 Application for Nomination (NC.51) or cancellation or variation of nomination (NC.53) of Post Office Savings Certificates 5 years plus the prescribed period of maturity or extended maturity (if the certificates are allowed to be retained beyond maturity) from the date of discharge of

the certificate

2 Register of Nominations (NC.52) of Post Office Savings Certificates 5 years plus the prescribed period of maturity or extended maturity (if the certificates are allowed to be retained beyond maturity) from the date of discharge of the certificate
3 Yearly list of unsold Post Office Savings Certificates The list should be destroyed after obtaining from the Postal Accounts Office certificate of settlement of all the discrepant items relating to that year or after 2 years

whichever is later

4 Yearly list of Unclaimed Post Office Savings Certificates 3 years
5 Preliminary receipts NC 4(a) issued for Post Office Savings Certificates 3 years


6 Preliminary receipts NC 11 issued for Post Office Savings Certificates 3 years
7 Identity slips (counter foils) of Post Office Savings Certificates 18 months after the discharge of the certificates
8 Voucher List (NC.31 (a) of Post Office Savings Certificates 18 months provided no objections are pending settlement regarding non receipt of any returns in the Postal Accounts Office
9 Daily summary of payment of Defence Deposit Certificates 18 months
10 Guard Book containing applications for Gift Coupons (NC.40) 3 years after the Gift Coupons are discharged
11 Receipts issued for amounts for purchase of Units of the Unit Trust of India 18 months
12 Special error book relating to Savings Certificates 3 years
13 Monthly statistical registers 3 years
14 Bonds of Indemnity obtained in connection with the issue of duplicate certificates under Rule 20 of the PO Savings Certificates Rules 1960 * (i) 5 year NSCs : 23 years from the date of issue
(ii) 7 year NSCs : 18 years from the date of issue
* From Item 14 it is apparent that the indemnity bonds are to be preserved for a period of 6 years after the period of maturity and extended period of maturity, if any
    (iii) 12 year NSCs : 23 years

from the date of issue

    (iv) 10 year NPCs : 21 years from the date of issue
    (i) 12 year NPSCs : 23 years from the date of issue
15 Journals of certificates issued and discharged 18 months
16 Monthly summaries of certificates issued and discharged 18 months
17 Stock register of certificates 10 years after a new register is opened and the Postmaster has initialled the carried forward entries
18 Invoices of Certificates 3 years
19 Applications for purchase of transfer of certificates in lieu of which duplicate certificates have been issued For a period of 6 years plus the period of maturity or extended maturity, if any, from the date of discharge of certificates


20 Applications for purchase of transfer of certificates in lieu of which duplicate certificates have been issued For a period of 6 years plus the prescribed period of maturity or extended maturity (if the certificates are allowed to be retained beyond maturity) from the date of discharge of certificates
21 Sub Office and Head Office journals of certificates issued through Authorised Agents (NC.47 and NC.48) 18 months *
22 Ledger for payment of commission to Authorised Agents (NC.49) 3 years* from the date of payment of commission
23 Authorised Agents Bills for commission earned (NC.50) 3 years* from the date of payment of commission
24 Schedule of commission paid to Authorised Agents 3 years
25 Partially used up Authorised Agents Receipt


3 years
26 Nominal Roll kept in SB and Savings Certificates Branches 10 years
27 Monthly Statement of stock position of Certificates sent by the Sub Office to Head Office 3 years
* Records mentioned at Serial Number 21 to 24 should not be destroyed, in case, where the commission has not been paid
28 Unclaimed savings certificates kept in the custody of Postal Accounts Office 30 years from the date of maturity
29 Register of Sale of Gift Coupons 18 months after the Gift Coupons are discharged
30 List of Gift Coupons sold during the month 18 months
31 Claims to postal certificates of deceased holders (all relevant material including files, registers and records) Three years after payment is made except where payment is made on indemnity bond in which case the papers together with the bond should be preserved for six years after the month in which payment is made

(Appendix VII of Post Office Savings Bank Manual Volume II read with DG Posts Letter No.30-47/84-SB dt.03/12/87 and No.30-47/84-SB dt.04/07/88 and 23/08/88)

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See also  Preservation Periods of Records of Money Orders Related at Post Offices

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