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Here are the Full Deatails for Recall of Postal Article in Post Offices 

  • Sometimes a customer who an articles may want it back, He can “recall” such article by giving request.
  • The post master can return article to sender.
  • Mail office should send such article and request letter to the post office concern.

Recall of Articles:

During the course of transmission a sender could request the recall of postal article or ask to deliver it to another addressee, provided the following conditions are met.
(a) It has not been delivered to the addressee.
(b) It has not been confiscated or destroyed by the competent authorities of the country in which the article may be for the time being.
(c) It has not been seized by virtue of any law of the country of destination.

Recall Charges-

Rs 6.00 may be collect from the Sender in the shape of Postage along with the following document
1. Xerox copy of Photo identity [if necessary]
2. Original receipt of the article.
3. A manuscript application with stating of reason
4. One witness[if complicated]

 Note :- Head Postmaster or Sub Post Master only are competent to issue of recall of an article.

IPO act 1898 says
Redelivery to sender of postal article in course of
transmission by post.-(1) The [Central Government] may, by rule, provide for the redelivery to the sender, without reference to the consent of the addressee and subject to such conditions (if any), as may be deemed fit, of any postal article in course of transmission by post.
(2) Save as provided by any rules that may be made under subsection (1), the sender shall not be entitled to recall a postal article in course of transmission by post.

Fee Structure:

 Rs 6 for an inland article
Rs 30 for foreign articles

  • Fee is payable in shape of postage
  • Stamps and defaced by counter Postal Assistant at time of presentation.
See also  Regarding mandatory capturing of mobile number of sender and addressee at the time of booking of accountable mail

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