INDIAN EVIDENCE ACT 1872 QN 121-132) 121.    Evidence given by a dumb witness in the court by writing or signs shall be deemed to be (a)       Documentary evidence                  (b)       Oral evidence (c)        Neither A nor B                                (d)       None of these                       Ans:b 122.    Who can take identification parade? (a)       Police officer                                     (b)       Magistrate…

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    Consumer Protection Act 1986 – A Detail Summary

    CONTENTS THE CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT, 1986 CHAPTER – IPRELIMINARY 1. Short title, extent, commencement and application 2. Definitions 3. Act not in derogation of any other law CHAPTER – IICONSUMER PROTECTION COUNCILS 4. The Central Consumer Protection Council 5. Procedure for meetings of the Central Council 6. Objects of the Central Council 7. The State…

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    Counting of Training period for IPO Examination – Clarification

    Whether training period counted for IPO examination?  Answer is YES. Government of India’s Orders No. 16 below FR. 9(6) reads:  Period of training before appointment to be treated as ‘duty’ for eligibility to sit for departmental examinations:        It has been decided that in all cases where pre-service training is considered necessary before actual appointment to the…

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