Transfer & Placement Committee Revised Instructions upto ASP Level Dated 03.08.2023
- #No.1 Website For Postoffice Rules and Manuals
The Department of Post is holding the National Level ‘Dhai Akhar’ Letter Writing Campaign for the financial year 2023-24 on the theme “Digital India for New India”. ‘Dhai Akhar’ is…
A Whole Life Assurance Policy with the added feature of an option to convert to Endowment Assurance Policy at the end of five years of taking policy. Assurance to the…
Postal Life Insurance Endowment Assurance (Santosh) Under this scheme the proponent is given an assurance to the extent of the sum assured and accrued bonus till he/she attains the pre-…
Whole Life Assurance (Suraksha) This is a scheme where the assured amount with accrued bonus is payable to the insured either on attaining the age of 80 years, or to…
Postal Life Insurance Postal Life Insurance (PLI) was introduced on 1st February 1884. It started as a welfare scheme for the benefit of postal employees and was later extended to…
Joint Life Assurance (Yugal Suraksha) It is a Joint Life Endowment Assurance in which one of the spouses should be eligible for PLI policies. Life cover to both spouses to…
Anticipated Endowment Assurance (Sumangal) It is a Money Back Policy with maximum sum assured of ₹ 50 lacs, best suited to those who need periodical returns. Survival benefits are paid…
Children Policy (Bal Jeevan Bima) The salient features of this scheme are as under: The scheme provides life insurance cover to children of policy holders Maximum two children of policy…
Customer Guide to Postal Life Insurance Welcome to the PLI family. This guide has been designed for your comfort. A Postal life insurance policy enters you into a long term…
The Regular Savings Account can be opened at the bank’s access points and your doorstep. This account can be used to keep funds secure, withdraw cash, deposit money and perform…
India Post Payment Bank – IPPB Basic Savings Account This savings account has all the features and benefits offered by the Regular Savings Account (except that it allows only four…
Digital Savings Account For the people who are tech savvy and comfortable with technology, IPPB’s Digital Savings Account is the best way to onboard yourself through the IPPB Mobile App.…
Premium Khata is a variant of IPPB Savings Bank Account which is offered to customers who are willing to subscribe to the Premium account services and avail our value added…
QR Card IPPB QR card redefines the way banking is done. It provides a unique, secure and convenient way to access your account without the hassle of remembering your account…
Mobile App IPPB offers a state-of-the-art, simple, secure and easy-to-use Mobile banking service through a Mobile app to access your IPPB account and carry out transactions from the convenience of…
Eligibility Anybody above 18 years with KYC Initial Minimum Deposit NIL Minimum Account Balance NIL Maximum End of Day Balance INR 1,00,000 Nomination Facility Available Linkage of POSA Account NO…
अगर आप अगले पांच साल बाद, कोई बड़ा काम करना चाहते हैं तो हर महीने थोड़ा-थोड़ा पैसा जमा करना शुरू कर दीजिए। Post Office की RD स्कीम, इस काम में…
डाकघर बचत खाता (बचत बैंक) देय ब्याज, दर, अवधि आदि । खाता खोलने के लिए न्यूनत्तम राशि एवं अधिकत्तम शेष जिसे रखा जा सकता है । एकल/संयुक्त खाते पर 4.0%…
Post Office Savings Account(SB) Interest payable, Rates, Periodicity etc. Minimum Amount for opening of account and maximum balance that can be retained 4.0% per annum on individual / joint accounts…
पोस्ट ऑफिस का सेविंग अकाउंट, न सिर्फ बैंकों के सेविंग अकाउंट से ज्यादा ब्याज देता है, इसमें आपको कम मिनिमम बैलेंस भी रखने की जरूरत होती है। इसमें खाता खुलवाना…
पोस्ट ऑफिस बचत योजनाएं इस योजना की खासियत यह है कि इसमें आपका निवेश पूरी तरह से सुरक्षित है। यह बाजार के उतार-चढ़ाव से प्रभावित नहीं होता है। भविष्य निधि…
Scheme for compassionate appointment – Modification of Relative Merit Points and Procedure for selection