Preservation Periods of Records at Branch Post Offices

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1 Branch Office account (Pa.6) 3 years after they are used up
2 Branch Office Journal (Pa.5) along with BO slips 3 years after they are used up
3 Book of BO receipts (MS 87(a) 2 years
4 Registered lists 2 years
5 Parcel Lists 2 years
6 Mail Lists received and despatched 2 years
7 Branch Office slips 2 years
8 Invoices of publications and articles received from the Stock Depot 3 years
9 Order Book To be destroyed on special permission of the Divisional Superintendent
10 Stock Book To be destroyed on special permission of the Divisional Superintendent
11 Village Postman’s book of receipts (MS.87) 2 years
12 Book of Postmarks 2 years
13 Circulars of the Head of the Circles containing convictions of Departmental officials Permanent
14 Enumeration Returns 5 years
15 Yearly village returns 5 years
Note: The records at serial 9, 10, 11 and 12 above should be destroyed by fire or otherwise, in such a manner that they may not be used again. Other record should be torn up and sold as waste paper
 (Rule 21 of Book of Rules for Branch Offices)
See also  Preservation Periods of Records of Parcel Related at Post Offices

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